Properly Maintain Your Records
Organized financial records begin with properly set up books and well-maintained records. From the initial setup of your books to the daily tasks associated with keeping them current, Gilliland and Associates helps you count success on a daily, monthly and yearly basis.
Client Testimonials
Your advice on my new business tax, forms and planning questions was really useful. I now have established a L.L.C. with the VA States.
I know I had a complicated “set” of returns. I appreciate your patience and professionalism.
Thank you for the good advice relating to yesterdays’ investor short sales.
You went above and beyond for us. The PTA and the students will benefit. I am personally grateful! God Bless.
Contact Gilliland & Associates, P.C.
Please use the form to contact us regarding your questions and tax issues. Please do not send confidential information using this form.