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Preparation of Financial Statements Vienna VA

Preparation of Financial Statements in Vienna, VA

Gilliland and Associates can assist you in preparation of your financial statements in accordance with professional standards in Vienna, VA. A key tool for management decision-making is financial statements. This is where maintaining organized, accurate records proves most effective for making precise decisions about your company’s financial direction.

Some statements that we assist with include:

  1. Balance Sheet: Your balance sheet is a statement of your assets, liabilities, and capital of your business that details the balance of income and expenditure at a specific point in time. Your auditor would verify accuracy of your figures, as well as the existence of assets and liabilities of your business.
  2. Cash Flow Statement: Your statement of cash flows is a financial statement that measures cash generated or used by a company at any given period. Your auditor would compare the entries in your cash flow statement to the bank statement to determine accuracy and validity.
  3. Income Statement: Your income statement displays your company’s financial results for a period of time, displaying your revenue, costs, expenses, and gross profit. Your auditor would verify the accuracy of your business’s transactions by comparing the cash book and the individual books of your accounts. 

If you or your business needs help with preparation of financial statements in Vienna, VA, Gilliland and Associates can help!

Call (703) 448 – 9121 to discuss your business and individual accounting requirements.

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